Friendship in marriage
“Two are better than one because they have a more satisfying return for their labor”
– Eccl 4:9(AMP)
The scripture above underscores the value of friendship in marriage. Building and developing friendship in marriage is a bedrock for any strong marriage because friendship in marriage helps to build both emotional and physical intimacy.
Friendship in marriage brings security in marriage/ couples will be safe enough to be open with each other.
Friendship is marriage is Gods’ idea. The bible says ‘a friend always loves’ and God commands us to love your spouse in marriage as He has loved you. Never forget that friendship is one of the greatest foundations of a healthy marriage.
All that romance alone is not able to sustain a marriage. You need to spend quality time with each other, talk and share about your daily lives, be honest and loyal, find common interest and above all, fix your heart on the author of marriage- God Almighty.
Dear Father, I desire friendship in marriage, help me and my spouse to build a lasting friendship as our eyes and heart is fixed on you. Amen
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