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(RFCM 2024)



A Prophetic Family Camp Meeting

For Kids | teens | youth | Moms | dads

Live Stream

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Kids Session

by Maria Bueno

teens Session

by Rachel Rojugbokan

Men's Session

by Niyi Adekunle

Women's Session

by Morin Osunmakinde

Single's Session

by Bunmi Oduah

Keynote Session

by Deb Weakly

Prophetic Ministration

by Abigail Dipo-Kilanse

Meeting Speaker

Debola Deji-Kurunmi

Host & Speaker

Oluseye Ashiru

A Generation Arising: 
Empowered for Legacy Living

O my people, listen to my instructions. Open your ears to what I am saying, for I will speak to you in a parable. I will teach you hidden lessons from our past— stories we have heard and known, stories our ancestors handed down to us. We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord, about his power and his mighty wonders. For he issued his laws to Jacob; he gave his instructions to Israel. He commanded our ancestors to teach them to their children, so the next generation might know them— even the children not yet born— and they in turn will teach their own children. So each generation should set its hope anew on God, not forgetting his glorious miracles and obeying his commands. Then they will not be like their ancestors— stubborn, rebellious, and unfaithful, refusing to give their hearts to God.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭78‬:‭1‬-‭8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Start Your Year with Crystal Clear Accuracy & Precision
for you and your family

In a world full of distractions and challenges, nurturing and strengthening the foundation of faith within families has never been more crucial.

The ROOTED Prophetic Family Camp Meeting is here to provide a unique opportunity for families to come together, learn, and grow in their journey of faith.

With a theme that resonates deeply - "A Generation Arising: Building A Kingdom Legacy", the retreat will create an atmosphere to inspire, equip, and empower families to create a lasting impact for generations to come.

God has an agenda for you and your family in His own Kingdom agenda.
How will you position yourself to step into His plans and purpose for you in 2024?

At the ROOTED Family Camp Meeting 2024, God is set to ignite our hearts, reveal His heart to us and give us instructions to navigate the new year, 2024.

Are you ready to partner with God?
Join us at 2024 Camp Meeting.

What To Expect

Tailored Sessions for All

One of the most remarkable aspects of the Families Arising Global Conference is the wide range of sessions catered to every member of the family


Engaging sessions tailored for children, aimed at introducing them to the timeless stories of faith and encouraging them to become torchbearers of God's teachings


Empowering workshops designed for teenagers, equipping them with the tools to navigate the challenges of their age while deepening their understanding of their faith and purpose. .


Inspirational talks and discussions to empower mothers, helping them foster a legacy of faith within their families while balancing the many responsibilities they shoulder


Interactive sessions for fathers, guiding them on their journey as spiritual leaders within their families and communities.

charged Atmosphere

Anticipate an atmosphere charged with positivity, encouragement, and spiritual enlightenment. 

Session Speakers

Oluseye Ashiru

Founder, Families Arising 

Debola Deji Kurunmi

President, Kingdom Leaders Global Alliance

Abigail Dipo - Kilanse

Founder, Women of Distinct Honour

Deb Weakly

Founder, Help Club for Moms

Specialized Group Session Speakers

Maria Bueno

Kids Session: 
God’s Little Soldier

Morin Osunmakinde

Becoming The Woman for The Job

Niyi Adekunle 

Becoming the God-Ordained Leader 
in your family

Bunmi Oduah

Singles Unashamed: 
Boldly Embracing God’s Vision for Your Life

Rachel Rojugbokan

Enlisted: Answering The Call

Oluseye ashiru

The Family:
God’s Infiltration System

Event Schedule

Camp Meeting Day 1:

Prophetic Worship Session
Music by Worship Ministers
A Generation Arising: Building Kingdom Legacy
Speaker: Oluseye Ashiru
Answering The Call: Falling in Line
Speaker: Pastor Debola Deji-Kurunmi
ARISE! Stepping Into The Life of God
Speaker: Pastor Abigail Dipo-Kilanse

Camp Meeting Day 2:

Prophetic Worship Session
Music by Worship Ministers
The Family: God's Infiltration System
Speaker: Oluseye Ashiru
Empowered for The Call: Living In The Power of God’s Spirit
Speaker: Mrs Deb Weakly
Interactive Q & A Session
Anchor: Families Arising Team

Camp Meeting Day 3:

Kids Session: God's Little Soldier
Speaker: Minister Maria Bueno
Teens Session: Enlisted - Answering The Call
Speaker: Rachel Rojugbokan
Singles & Single Moms: Unashamed - Living Out God's Best for Your Life
Speaker: Mrs Bunmi Oduah
Fathers Session: Becoming The God-Ordained Leader in Your Family
Speaker: Pastor Niyi Adekunle
Mothers Session: Mothers Arising intoPurpose
Speaker: Pastor Morin Osunmakinde
Worship Session
Prophetic Worship Ministration

God is waiting to meet With You

We understand the importance of fostering a deep and lasting faith within the family unit.
This retreat is crafted to provide a unique opportunity for families to come together, delve into their faith, and emerge stronger and more connected than ever before.
It serves as a powerful launch into 2024, offering inspiration, empowerment, and tools to navigate the challenges of the modern world while staying rooted in faith.