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Understanding The Times by Tope Fortune

“And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had an understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred, and all their brethren were at their commandment”
– 1 Chronicles 12:32
Do you understand the times we live in? Or are you comfortable being ignorant and unaware of the changes going on in our world right now?

As God’s children, we are encouraged through scripture to be aware of the times and seasons we live in. See how God’s word recognizes the sons of Issachar who knew the times and seasons and understood what needed to be done at the right time.

I even love how God’s word says we should walk circumspectly, not as fools, but redeeming the times. You will agree with me that the place of technology in our world right now cannot be overemphasized. Technology lets you connect with a bigger audience than before. The enterprise world has experienced a paradigm shift since the invention of technology.

God has bestowed us with tools that are fashioned to carry our enterprises to every corner of the world, that our feet could not carry us to. Take maximum advantage of the technology and use it to fuel your enterprise's visibility in the digital world. We live in a world that is constantly evolving. Leveraging technology helps us to fit in perfectly with what He can do for you.

King Uzziah understood the need for the use of inventions to speed up his techniques. The Bible even records that he made engines of war invented by skillful men to shoot arrows and great stones!

Understanding technology as a tool helps us to see the positive and negative outcomes of the usage of technology, as well as shows us the influence these tools have on our lives. From our Bible text Uzziah as young as he was used technology to his advantage. He flourished at a faster pace, regardless of his age. He made in Jerusalem engines, invented by men to keep his kingdom away from predators.

The last part of the verse showed the results of his usage of these things – “for he was marvelously helped.” If you must thrive excellently well and MOVE into your next phase of the enterprise action line, you should consider using technology to thrive in your work.

Prayer Moment
• Father, help me to use technology for the propagation of your purpose in my enterprise.

• I refused to be negatively influenced by the usage of technology

• Lord and Provider, I thank you that you have given me the talents and gifts that will help me to succeed in my enterprise endeavors.

• I thank you for providing me with economic opportunities, so I can use my knowledge and your gifts to their fullest.

• Help me to continue to grow and develop my skills and my understanding, so that my enterprise will thrive.

• I give you my praise and adoration, for you can achieve far more than my wildest imaginings. Amen.

Think Over it
What is God saying to me today?
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